2 minutes read

Lowering bad cholesterol levels can be achieved by incorporating certain foods into your diet. Here are 10 food hacks that may help decrease your cholesterol levels:
1. Add oats to your meals: Start your day with oatmeal or oat pancake or oats porridge with berries.
2. Have a handful of pumpkin seeds: These seeds are a great source of magnesium and fiber and can significantly reduce bad cholesterol.
3.Add flaxseeds to your diet: These small seeds are packed with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
4.Incorporate Garlic: Researchers have found that garlic can lower bad cholesterol levels and black garlic to be the most effective one.
5. Include fatty fish: Eat fish like salmon, trout, or mackerel which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
6. Include plant sterols: Evidence shows some margarines, orange juice, and yogurt contain plant sterols can block the absorption of bad cholesterol.
7. Use olive oil: Replace unhealthy oils with olive oil to boost heart health.
8. Enjoy dark chocolate: Moderation is key, but dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher) contains compounds that can help lower LDL cholesterol
9. Foods like tofu and edamame have shown cholesterol lowering effect especially LDL cholesterol.
10. Eat spinach and other leafy greens: These vegetables are rich in lutein, which can help prevent cholesterol absorption. Enjoy dark-colored vegetables: Foods like eggplant and purple cabbage contain antioxidants that may lower LDL cholesterol.
Remember, it's always best to consult with a healthcare qualified or registered dietitian or nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet.
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Good info.
👍blackgarlic.. interesting point!
Love Darkchocolates😍
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