3 minutes read

Symptoms of acidity, or acid reflux, have become a common problem these days for people over the age of 20. It’s the most unpleasant gastric symptom and can be difficult to deal with if it's severe and frequent.
The stomach produces hydrochloric acids to help in digestion and absorbption of food and killing harmful microorganism in food. However, if it is produced in excess it can lead to acidity, acid reflux and indigestion.
The most common reasons for acidity or acid reflux are as follows:
- Eating high-acid foods
- Certain infections, like Helicobacter pylori infection, and diseases like chronic kidney disease
- Certain medicines
- Disturbed sleep patterns or inadequate sleep
- High intake of alcohol, aerated drinks, and smoking
- Presence of tumours called gastrinomas in the pancreas or duodenum
If one has high acid levels in stomach, the person will show the following symptoms:
- Abdominal discomfort
- Frequent feeling of bloating
- Feeling of nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Unpleasant sour taste in the mouth
Here are some useful tips to avoid acidity and acid reflux:
1.Avoid Trigger Foods: Certain foods can trigger acidity or acid reflux symptoms, such as chocolates, caffeine, citrus fruits, tomato-based foods, fatty foods, and spicy foods. One must take note of the symptoms and mention them in their personal food diary to track the frequency of acid reflux and take the necessary action.
2. Include alkaline foods in the diet like green leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce), cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli), fruits (melons, bananas), nuts (almonds and sunflower seeds), herbs (cinnamon, parsley, basil), grains (jowar, millet, quinoa), However, it is important to understand that maintaining the correct pH balance in urine and blood is important. This is regulated by the kidneys and lungs. Certain foods are high in acidic value and can act as neutral or alkaline in urine, such as lemon. Lemon has been found to have an alkaline effect in urine but an acidic nature in blood. Therefore, it is important to check with a qualified dietitian or nutritionist to understand the suitability of an acidic food product and its neutralising effect if any in the body that can can help to reduce the acidity in the patient.
3. Eat smaller meals: Instead of eating three large meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a day, try to eat smaller and more frequent meals. This helps decrease the production of acids in the stomach.
4. Drink lots of water. Drink 2-3 litres of water daily to maintain correct acid levels in stomach. Avoid carbonated drinks, as they are found to be one of the top reasons for acidity.
5. Chew your food thoroughly and slowly. Eating quickly causes you to swallow more air, which contributes to acid reflux. Eating slowly helps slow the release of acids in the stomach.
6. Avoid lying down after eating. Wait at least 2–3 hours after eating before lying down or going to bed.
7. Lose weight if you're overweight. Increased weight expands the muscular structure that supports the lower esophageal sphincter, leading to a decrease in the pressure that holds the sphincter closed. This is the most common cause of acidity and acid reflux in overweight and obese people.
It is always better to see a dietitian or a doctor if the acidity symptoms persist for too long, as they can cause GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), which can permanently damage the oesophagus. The oesophagus is the most important organ of the body because it helps transport food from the mouth to the throat and into the stomach.
-Akanksha Kulkarni
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Well articulated. Read your other articles, they are indeed impressive.
Thank you for your message
Good precise information. Looking forward for your blogs.
Thank you for your message Helen.
Nice article akankshaji. I have tried so many ways to deal with my Acidity ..it absolutely ruins my commitments.
Thank you for your message. I hope you feel better using these tips.
Good info on acidity. I have booked your appointment for next to next month because your appointment s r fully booked mentioned by Ur staff.can you please give me early appointment if there is any cancellation.
Thank you for your message. At the moment we do not have any cancellations. If we have any we will definitely get in touch with you. Thank you for letting us know.
Very informative thanks
I will implement these tips in my daily routine
Very nice information. I have been suffering from acidity for many years.
I left alcohol and soft drink and my Acidity went down drastically. Very well written Akanksha Ma'am.
Your tips are great.. due to erratic timings at work place often I get acidity.. informative blog.
Well written. We actors have crazy schedules and akanksha you know how bizarre my shoot times are.. thank you for your migraine and indigestion treatment.
Helpful tips 👍
Your articles seems to be authentic and relevant. Unfortunately very few people read these days. People want everything quick. I totally appreciate your effort. It reflects your true knowledge. looking forward for more such info through blogs from qualified people like you and not cheap vlogs by non qualified ,non experienced influencers.
Good information. how can we ease pregnancy related acidity?
Best information..best nutritionist.